Flame Family 2025.2.1 Out Now! ⚒️

Hey Logik!

Flame Family 2025.2.1 is now available. It includes fixes such as the Timewarp node now working in Batch and Batch FX. :slightly_smiling_face:

Release Notes: Help



Thats fast, Thanks!!! :rocket:

There is now a bug in the timeline’s timewarp. currently slowing me down. The image does not update when adjust speed or position key frames. It will only update when going up and down in video priority. serious issue for fixing conforms with a reference video on a higher track in difference mode. The image doesn’t update.

@evanguidera Can you confirm that you are indeed using the 2025.2.1 version?

The defect you are describing was present in the 2025.2 Update version, but was fixed in 2025.2.1.

To make sure which version you are using:
1- Open the Flame menu at the bottom right of the application
2- Select About Flame in the Help submenu

The version you are using is displayed at the top of the About window.

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thanks for the quick response, 2025.2.0.2

This is the Backburner Manager version, not the Flame one.

whoops so sorry, rushing on my job currently. Maybe I have not installed the .2 hot fix. it says 2025.2.0.198

That’s correct. You do not have the version that includes the fix. You must install 2025.2.1 to have it.

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should have double checked, thx!

Hey Fred, I just installed and used it for a good 2 hours, very smooth sailing. While rendering inside a BFX, with render node, the app froze. I had to force quit after quite some time. The app did not give me the normal crash report window. Upon launching the app again, my entire desktop was gone. Nothing recovered at all. Lost at least 30 minutes of a comp. Has anyone else experienced this? Scary stuff. what could cause this? Never in all the updates has this happened to me.

Sorry to hear that. In this situation, the best thing to do is to contact support and see if the last auto save can be recovered. The drawback is that you cannot open the application until then, so it is up to you to decide what is best between waiting for support or redo the work.