Hybrid, remote questions

totally, I have a junior artist and even though - I do junp on many calls with her every day and we screenshare and I take over her computer with teradici etc - we managed it very well but it just aint the same.

We both felt the need to sit together in a office to push this further and to really get her up there.


I think that is a very valid concern. However, we should view this from the younger generations PoV and see what works best for them, and not project our own experiences. That generation (watching through my 4 grown kids in their mid 20s around the world in different work settings) is a lot more digital savvy, used to different ways of interaction, learns differently, multi-tasks completely different and so on. We do need to provide them with the opportunity to grow on their terms. Iā€™m not sure what they are. But theyā€™re a very resourceful generation.


Pre-pandemic I was 100% in office, now I am nearly 100% home. For the first year and a half or so I was driving in every couple of weeks to review stuff on the big Sony monitor for some HDR stuff we were doing, but since that job ended I havenā€™t been back.

I do a mix of at home local box (newish big mac pro) and at home HP Remote into the linux flame at work. Basically if itā€™s not a cg heavy job where I am going to be dragging CG passes over the network over and over I try and just do everything local, if I canā€™t then I do HP Remote.

We used to do client sessions semi-regularly? If I had to guess one every couple of weeks. Now Iā€™ve done a decent amount of remote sessions with Streambox. The nice thing about that is itā€™s just taking the SDI out from the blackmagic card so I can do sessions with either Resolve or Flame and there really isnā€™t much of a difference on the client side. The less nice thing about it is that playback is extremely variable session to session.

Considering I used to drive an hour each way in LA traffic to the office I have told them I would be more than happy to return to the office whenever it is necessary, do in person client sessions, whatever. But iā€™m not going back full time in the office. I think theyā€™ve heard that from enough people they want to keep that there are currently no plans to return. I think theyā€™re actually trying to find a smaller office with a better internet connection.

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