I found a cool setup in nuke for visually matching grain, ill see if i can replicate it in flame
You can always use the separate node…
Thanks, I also realize that would be an option, but had seen @SamE do it without the Separate node in an FxPhd class and thought I might be missing something in the regrain node itself. Appreciate the suggestion though.
I’m not at the box, and not checking the old files from my classes, but I think I just used the Shift-R-G-B keys to view each channel separately to dial in the Regrain node in ‘custom’ mode.
If you wanna get picky, you can also use the Exposure controls in the viewer to dial in highlights vs shadows.
Absolutely, I learned this trick from your FXPHD tutorial and have used it ever since! Also, fun fact: shift-E (exposure), shift-C (contrast)— self explanatory enough. But shift-W for gamma!
Turns out these are not active by default in the Smoke keyboard shortcuts. So it’s either click in the GUI or map them myself. Thanks again!
Adding to that, there are presets for quick gamma shifts. Use Ctrl-Shift-1 through Ctrl-Shift-5 which will switch the gamma on preset values. Very helpful when checking key mattes for hidden noise.
Ctrl-Shift-1 - gamma 1.0
Ctrl-Shift 2 - gamma 0.3
Ctrl-Shift 3 - gamma 0.8
Ctrl-Shift 4 - gamma 3.0
Ctrl-Shift 5 - gamma 10.0