I’ve been asked to oversee/advise on a shootby young student filmmakers for a local production company, for the media studies class at my local community college.
The production company will provide some technology that the college does not have, and hopes to apprentice 5 interns in 2025.
The shoot involves laptops, telephones and tablets, which the library loan to students.
I want to help with a checklist of recommendations, and free resources for the students, many of whom are from low income backgrounds.
What questions should I be asking myself and the production company.
Do you have a checklist of gotchas?
What about a kit list?
Part of the curriculum is to use the Adobe suite which is free while they are students.
They get free use of a laptop, hotspot and tablets from the college library.
They also have full access to ALL Microsoft software, including unrestricted use of the latest versions of server and full visual studio.
Some students do not take advantage of these resources, so they will be creating a short informational film to run on the library displays and the website.
There are 3 campuses so the hope is to ensure that the students take full advantage of these services.
Many families in my neighborhood need helping hands.