Cinema screen replacement tips

Hi Logik brothers and sisters

I have a client who is about to shoot the talent at the cinema watching some movies. They say the content on the cinema screen will change once they hit post production.
I am after some shooting tips for the client to ease my cinema screen replacement sessions down the line.
It will mostly be locked off shots, sometimes people walking across the screen to get to their seats.
I don’t know whether to suggest green/blue screen or just white in order to luma key? Illuminated spill from the screen onto the people watching the screen will obviously be a factor.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

I would shoot it not too bright and you could throw a key-able colour up on to the screen but the last time I did this I just used luma key and roto.

Not having it too bright will enable you to grade your movie footage into the screen, additive keying style. Plus if too bright, any darker footage you add will look strange with all of the glow and erosion your edges will have.


I think there is something to be said for using green or blue spill to create interaction between the screen content and the plate, especially in a dark environment.


Agree. A good spill map can really make some nice(r) things happen in terms of faking interactive lighting.

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i think i would go for a blue screen on this one, because of the lower luminance compared to green. the blue spill could even be partially kept for the foreground elements or manipulated to taste. definitely additive keying will be your best friend as a cinema screen is exactly that. added light onto a (silvery) surface.

I would do everything in my power to rethink your methodology. A cinema screen isn’t really just a screen. It is a light source. And changing the light source of a scene after the fact just never works. So, I’d start pushing and asking some difficult questions because the environment and all of your audience will be lit from the bounce.

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Why not just shoot it with some footage that’s similar. Then you’ve got all the bounce light and flicker for free. Roto stuff back on top. Get a frame of the screen without footage and do a Flickr match with footage.

Yeah this works well for the most part from my experience. Especially for the reverse shots of the audience and you also get the projector rays for free also.

They only time you start running into trouble is if the interactive light doesnt lineup with the cuts of the inserts but maybe you could control that?

I’d shoot without atmospheric haze and then add my projector rays myself.