LUTs are not perfect. They are just giving you an idea of how it might go in the grade.
I can believe how your day for night LUT might be making a royal mess of your explosions.
However any adjustments or grade you apply to make the shot easier to work with will drastically effect how the LUT will work. Potentially breaking the viewing LUT entirely.
You could, for example apply a colour correction yourself. Making the day plate look like night so that you can comp your explosion. You would probably be expected to invert that colour correction so that you return the plate to the colourist. Applying a LUT is not something that is reversible without messing up the original image.
Have a read of this Invert Colour Grade
This might still look terrible under the provided LUT but at least you know that a talented colourist would be able to make it work by applying a similar grade to you. If you make your own CDL you can even provide this with your shot.
However it seems like before you get too far down this road you ask some questions. If you have a VFX supervisor or maybe you can approach the colourist or producer that you are supplying the shot to.
Seems to me that request might be testing the limits of the provided LUT and maybe the workflow can be tweaked on this occasion.