Hi Logik community. I’m getting bogged down comping long duration greenscreen talent into soft plate shots with really narrow focus. Talent has been shot sharp 6k on Canon C500 and plates sony FX6 UHD.
Talent has been shot moving to match plates so mainly stabilising, comping 2D and inverting stabilisation.
Keying using IBK and keys pretty sweet but wanting to soften talent more to match in with softer more filmic plates. Any pro tips to ease my pain?
I like to comp, soften the entire comp, then put the talent from the soft comp back onto the original comp.
Thanks Tim - yeah been using this technique combined with gradient driven matchbox blur to fake dof.
Just not getting the soft matte results in heavily blurred areas (and I did this project in ACEs cg specifically to get this effect). Playing around with physical defocus too but think I need a sleep and attack with fresh eyes tomorrow
Is this similar scenario to @ Andy Dills blur within matte tip maybe?
I often use the Pixelspread in interpolationmode before comp to get some good overfill. It may be simple but works great to blur the rgba all together away again to match the plates depth.
I’d make an “edge depth map” by blurring / negating the matte and multiplying that with the original to get a soft edge matte that mimics depth and either 3D blur it using that depth matte or matchbox lens blur.
thanks guys - think I was too tired to think straight. I’m using pixelspread but forgot about 3D blur
This 2022.22 Cache behaving strange in FL22.2 CeO8.2 - #6 by kirk bug isn’t helping my sanity either
It’s maddening.
I like the Depth of Field for this. It accurately blurs the matte in a way that matches the blur on a multiplied front. Just multiply, Depth of Field, Divide, then over. Use a soft gmask to place the blur where you need it.
thx Sam. That sounds really versatile for what I’m doing. Do you mind posting simple schematic if you get chance. Comping in ACEs cg and getting a few mismatches
Hey Mike,
We could do team viewer if you want to share your screen. I can show you.
samedwards at mac dot com
We also have free screen sharing and voice chat in our Discord Server, Flame Logik . If there’s room for an audience, I’d love to join.
I would love to see a workshop on this
It was mind-blowingly awesome. Thanks so much Sam
Glad I could help!
Seems I was late to the party but I would love to have my mind blown as well.
Is there a batch setup or even a screenshot to tell the tale?
What secrets is @SamE dishing out?
will post screen grab soon. gotta deliver some wips urgently
Knock 'em dead, Mike!
The suspense is killing me