Embedding metadata into flame exports?

Yes, I’ve done that. They want me to change from timecode to a 7 digit padding starting at “0001001”. I manually enter the “Tape Name” when importing or on the “Render Node”. I can see it in the metadata, however when it goes to Resolve, they can not see it correctly even though it’s in there.

From their DI team:
we received the following EXRs that have the reel name metadata key as


instead of


as it is in the original plate from the DI.

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Hello mate

I’ve recently figured a workflow to retain full shot metadata in our flame workflow.

1- have to transcode rushes in baselight.

2- resolve strips all metadata so no transcoding in that will help.

3 - import exrs as normal.

4- when publishing new exrs I’m using the ‘ link media - bit depth’ option instead of the more standard ‘generate media’

This creates a copy of the rushes clip rather than a newly rendered bit of media from flame.

This means we retain the full clip metadata on our plates.

It’s wise to use both options so we have a generated media and a linked media plate, so we can rely on proper archiving etc without worry.

That will at least give u the chance to get lens data etc over to artists etc.


So, as far as the reelname metadata for Resolve, as Chris reported above, Resolve expects the OpenEXR ‘Owner’ field to be populated and Flame, Baselight, etc use the reelName field. We will have a look at extending reelname support to fill in the Owner field.

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Autodesk Feedback Community just so you dont forget that , 2 years later :smiley:

FI-03378 if that link doesnt work. I need exr/owner