Flame Client review over RGS and Sharing Screen with Google Meet

You’d need to be on the same network. @andymilkis had this working when connected via VPN if I’m not mistaken. Although NDI isn’t amazing though in these kinds of applications because its pretty expensive in the bandwidth department and could quickly saturate a VPN connection.

I would convert your broadcast NDI to rtmp via Obs and stream that shit via YouTube Live or Twitch or Vimeo or whatever if you just need a quick solution for a stream that can hit a bunch of folks. Then they can subscribe via a webBrowser. Latency will be meh but overall quality will be better than any of those google meets or zoom options.

I haven’t tried it for a while but Vimeo Pro has supposedly improved their latency and overall quality.

If you’re looking for a more automated option you can always buy a BMD web presenter for 500 us and stick it on your SDI output and have it single button press the streaming shit for you. Combine that with a simple NGINX website running redPro5 and you’ll have a stupidly low latency solution that can be viewed by a load of people at once and can even be beamed to an Apple TV via an iPhone.

Just a few ideas…

NDI quality is shit…and even though it says it supports up to 16bit, I’ve only been able to get 8bit out of Flame.

SDI->BMD->FFMPEG->Nimble Streamer. @finnjaeger made his own solution around this that is very good, not sure if he is offering it as an external service. I’ve done the same internally utilizing 10bit 4:4:4 webstream. It is basically a better version of ClearView Flex (limited to 2K@10bit 4:2:0) or Evercast (8bit 4:4:4 in their webplayer).

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yea i let people use it for fun, but its a server in germany. :smiley: