Image/effects Tab questions

Don’t forget that there is also a manager view of the image schematic which shows matchboxes


Funny I never use the Primary grade because it is difficult to copy.
Secondly, with how much grading is going on in the shoot, overall balance when working in ACES is not as much of a thing. I’m mostly tweaking and highlighting or pushing things into the background.

The other thing that would be good is to have the ability to insert a Matchbox pre-key, if you wanted to push the image a bit for keying.

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I get why they used action as a base, bu tbh i am like 10x as flexible running the whole grade using batch… because of external mattes and and mixing and stuff like that @allklier

Yes, but you loose the TL-FX functionality and navigation.

The solve is to use an Image node on the Timeline and if needed add a BFX with an extra set of nodes for the special requirements.

But would be nice if they could show the Image node some love.

PS: And would be nice if it were easier for multiple mattes from BFX to travel into the Image node. I’ve at various times experiement with using BFX as my key prep space, which then all feed into TL-FX Image selectives. Unfortunately potholes everywhere.

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Yes I agree image with some more features would be gold.

Mostly external mattes and maybe some cache ML mattes to disk… or whatever

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I reckon it would be cool to be able to put a bfx the selective and the bfx matte channel be the matte of the selective so we can do things with it. which means we then have the ability to put a bfx before effects and a bfx on a selective.

Absolutely. We wouldn’t even need a separate bfx, just need to allow existing bfx to output multiple matte channels, as Image can already use multiple matte inputs (in batch)

Yes but I would like add a unique bfx on each selective and keep the source bfx as we have now just for plate work

Yes, but that makes it very difficult in terms of how TL-FX is setup.

It’s a lot more realistic if the existing BFX can be re-used, but turned into a multi-output BFX, just like you can add outputs to Action. So all happens in this one BFX node tree and feeds multiple alpha channels through the TL-FX sequence to the image node which can catch them with the existing multi-input infrastructure.

That’s a more lilkely to happen than a complex new UI to add unlimited number of BFX.

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