Is there any hope for flame in the future for compositing?

Lens distortion

Publishing clips

Here are a couple of posts that might be useful. There is no multi layer pipeline as you know. This is useful and in some cases, annoying. I think this may be a separate discussion.

The 3d environment isn’t a nightmare IMHO but it is ripe for some improvement like navigation. I do like Nike’s approach which seems a bit easier to find things in action schematics. Nuke X’s lens analysis is pretty great and it would be helpful to have something more like this rather than the current lens distort node which is too in accurate for these days. However Nuke X is far more expensive than flame these days.

Internal open clip is possible to set up. @cnoellert explains a method above. Alternatively, Shotgrid does this out of the box. I admit it’s frustrating not to have this out of the box but I don’t think it’s out of the box with nuke either. You have to build the pipeline to support it too.

Individuality of flame artists will always be a thing. It’s what we are encouraged to do. Nuke ops are more used to doing what they’re told in a pipeline.

Ultimately, they both do similar tasks differently and are used mostly in differently scenarios. I do think flame could benefit from some more love in 3d renders, camera, geo and lens analysis.

But even on a nuke job I will always finish in flame. Squeezing that last 10% into a comp with paint etc is much more pleasurable and feasible in flame as opposed to nuke IMHO.

Given the large user base of nuke and ease of collaboration, it does seem to be eroding the take up of flame.