Need a VFX Supe in LA - Saturday August 3rd

I’m looking for a VFX supervisor to attend a one day commercial shoot. This is a pretty simple vfx shot… various elements will be shot to ‘freeze’ in the scene.

Saturday - August 3 in LA. I don’t have a more specific location yet but I’ll share when I can.


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Reach out to @imag4media, or @Brattesani - solid, brilliant, reliable people.

I have a bad haircut, a different opinion, and sound like the bad guy in Bruce Willis movies, so it usually goes about as well as the plots in those kinds of entertainment/financial vehicles.


This generally makes US clients think you are a cinematic creative genius fyi.


@hBomb42 - just my luck - all this time I’ve been working with the wrong US clients - typical

I guess it depends whether you meant Alan Rickman or actual East Germans?

Alan Rickman - what a genius - I sound like a very bad impression of him on a good day.

Galaxy Quest - one of his funniest roles - “typical…”

Hah. you too funny Phil.
If yer Alan Rickman, think Galaxy Quest or Dogma fits better than Die Hard.

Appreciate the kind words and also all the help you show the folks around here.

Andy D. (westside edition)