Rsync using Backburner

I have a couple of scripts that I’ve been working with and I’ve taken them as far as I care to. The one below works well for us and but it involved my CTO setting up ssh keys for my user and a few other things. The goal was for an artist to be able to click a folder on the server choose a location to sync to using the Backburner Manager.

There are two methods for using rsync & the bbm in this script. One sends the commands straight to the Backburner Manager. The other builds the command and puts it in the clipboard to paste into a shell/terminal or slack/email.

I thought I’d share it here in case anyone finds anything useful in it. Disable scoping if you’re going to mess around with it, otherwise it’ll never show up outside of our facilities. (9.9 KB)


Running that as root really isn’t ideal. If you have setup SSH keys in your individual users home, such they can rsync as root, also means they can terminal SSH as root. You basically have no security at all within your org. Your users may not do anything intentionally nefarious, but it is easy to fuck something up without knowing it. And also makes it much easier to be compromised.


Great points, thanks Alan. That’s exactly why we have the 2nd option to generate the command that gets emailed/slacked to a user with the ssh keys.