Salient inside Batch

I installed 2021.2 here, and I’m trying to use Salient inside Batch. It seems that you can only use it through the Image node. Is that so?

Yup, unlike the other machine learning tools, Salient is not available as a Batch Node. I think you could add it as an Action/Image matte output and then feed it on as a workaround?


Thanks for answering, Tony. Now I am trying to figure out how to output an alpha from Salient out of Action …

I am not in front of Flame at the mo, but I think that this should get you there?



Yup just tried it to confirm and it works. Adding the salient keyer and then the selective matte extraction enables you to use Action as a virtual Batch version replacement.


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Thank you Tony! It is working here. Both in Action and Image nodes.


kind of think they should of just made it a matchbox and it would be easier but adding an action and a bunch more steps works too.

Salient is not available in a Matchbox because its platform doesn’t provide access to the widgets necessary to make Salient work. If you look at the other ML Semantic Keyers available in Matchbox (Sky, Face, Head, Body) you will notice that the ROI function available in the Selective object is not there in Matchbox. This is for the same reason.

We could add the support for this widget in Matchbox, but we didn’t have the time in this release. This is something we could consider in the future so please log a request for it.

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thanks Fred, just added a request. As much as I think salient would be nice to have in batch the opportunity for the developers to have widgets would be really nice too. Here is the request FI-02450.

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