Submit your tax/business questions here! Logik Live #91: AMA with CPA David Kameny

Hello Logik Friends! This Sunday on Logik Live my guest is going to be CPA David Kameny. David has decades of experience advising working professionals like us. We’re going to to an AMA (Ask Me Anything) and I’m looking for questions? Do you have your own Flame business? Are you looking to go freelance? Do you have questions about tax or business strategies that you’d love to ask an Accountant?

Please leave some questions here and I’ll ask David during the show. I’ll go first:

Q: Many of the places I freelance at either want me to go on payroll or offer it as an option. Should I take them up on it? What are the advantages and disadvantages of going on payroll as a freelancer for a temporary gig?

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I’d also be interested in the specifics about California law in particular regarding salary or hourly for staffers. @ALan

Does David Kameny have experience in UK law?

I don’t believe so, sorry.

I’ve been an employee for many, many years, actually, I’ve been working at the same company since I started working with visual arts. I’ve never done freelance work, and I’m curious about how freelance colleagues outside the US get paid by US companies and if there are specific fees for payments to foreigners on both sides. I heard, for example, that the company that hires foreign freelancers, even for remote work, has to pay an extra fee in Canada.
Is it legal for a foreigner to work remotely for an American company?
Or would permission be needed?
I believe it is an exciting topic of interest to everyone worldwide, as remote and freelance work has become widespread in these (almost) post-pandemic times.


Thanks everyone. I’ll pass these questions on to David during today’s show! If you have any more, feel free to leave them here or ask them live. We’re on at 3pm ET today!

This is an excellent topic I’d also like to see discussed! Global market topic…

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