Video + Image generation from Text - Tp Playgound


Hi Everyone!
I made public and giving free to use two models, Video generation from text and image.
You can use both here:

Video model also support reference image so you can animate.

Motivation on these demos:
This models are not to compete in the market.
This is a side project i have been working, my idea is have a easy to use, easy to acess place for prompt Generative tools, allowing artists that have not started on this to have first steps before any stress on Installs, coding or learning new apps.

Expect dowtime and and slow, im using my own gpus and pretty much im starting to have GPUs im not using on production anymore, so, im trying to make one last usage before they died lol

Hope you like it! Feel free to feedbacks.

Adding examples generated here:


@tpo - epic
Thank you