I am having some fun with my Blackmagic camera and a motion control rig and am back with a problem that I used to have back in the day, and I thought that this was a thing of the past.
Back in the day on Smoke, when I was using it on my ye olde worlde laptop it was hell on earth as all it would save to the framestore was raw, whatever footage you were working on.
Then came newer versions and you could choose your codec.
I am importing and working on BMRaw, but as I am on my laptop, and only having an informal play, I don’t want any EXR whatsoever. I am happy with crappy quality, as I’m only having a “kick-about” (soccer reference).
So, I have 200GB available on my internal, and then all of a sudden I have run out of space, because the setting is ProResLT/EXR(PIZ). So, that is bad enough as I don’t want any EXR deposited as each from is 40-ish MB each. I just want teeny crappy ProRes files for my kick about, so I can play play play.
On top of that, I also have that problem of not having deleted files be totally or very much disappeared when I flush the timeline after a kick about. Thus my framestore is filling up and I am finding it very hard to release space that I don’t even want to be using.
I know that any image that is 16 or 32-bit needs to be in that, but why can’t they live in memory and so the “render” format be what is rendering out to the timeline.
Why can’t there, also, perhaps, be an option to flush the background work and leave only the rendered timeline in the framestore. This, again, is especially the case as I am having a kick-about and so am going to be going back in to make changes.