Any French Flame User Group or Meetups?

Hey everyone!

I’m fairly new to Flame and its community and excited to dive deeper.

I looked up on the internet if there was anything about a French Flame User Group. But couldn’t really find anything…
Does anyone knows about a French Flame user groups or regular meetups in France (or online)? I’d love to discover people I could easily meet in person in France!

Looking forward to your insights, merci! :slight_smile:


Bonjour Eytane,

Bienvenue dans la communauté Flame!

There was an event this past September in Paris. I don’t know if there is another one scheduled, but I encourage you to enter in contact with the team at Post Logic ( They are the ones who would know.


Hi !
Thanks for the welcome :slight_smile:

Great idea, I’ll try contacting them