Archive and restore project to save storage


is archiving and restoring a current project a good idea, if the main goal is to get rid of all undo’s and Desktop Backup’s (= to save storage) ?

Thank you!

Hey Joe. Great question. The Undo buffer is clearable in Preferences. And doing what you suggested will save megabytes vs gigabytes.

Deleting old batch iterations and resaving over them is the best way.

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Thanks Randy for the fast help! Does Desktop Backup physically save the footage, or is it rather something like sym links ?

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In addition to what @randy said, once a quarter it’s worth restoring a project, not so much for saving space, but making sure you’re doing your backups right and that you’re familiar with the process of restoring.

A backup is only good if it can be restored. And that requires practice from time to time to verify.


We always restore a big sequence from every file archive before it goes to LTO as part of our QC process. It takes a couple minutes, but is worth the peace of mind.


It depends. :-).

There are some options when archiving to include cached media, to cache media, etc. Depending on those settings, you’ll either save uncompressed media to your archive or not.

Sorry but I used the wrong term “Desktop Backup” instead of Save Desktop…

Does “Save Desktop” physically save the footage, or is it rather something like sym links ?

Since I cannot see a reduction of storage space after saving the desktop, I am wondering where on the filesystem “Save Desktops” are saved/written to? )

Thank you!

Hey Joe,

The “Save Desktop” button takes a snapshot of your current desktop (whatever is in your desktop Batch groups and Reel groups) and puts it into the location inside of the library that you specify when you save. Whether or not that is saving media depends on what is on your desktop, whether it is cached or not, and whether the media is generated by flame or not.

But maybe the better way of looking at it is that from a files perspective, it is no different than manually dragging what is on your desktop into your library. It doesn’t do that much else really. The only bonus with the save desktop button is that you get a nicely packed up snapshot that allows you to restore the state of your desktop back to when you hit the save button but it isn’t doing anything else that I know of.

With that in mind, it’s a little difficult to answer your question of “where” the save desktop goes because it’s just a reference to what’s on your desktop. It’s the same question as where does my media go when I drag it from my desktop to my library. The answer is, from a files perspective, they are essentially not going anywhere at all. Flame is handling that file management behind the scenes and looking for it isn’t worth your time.

If your ultimate goal is to save storage, you should look at things like cached media that you import and files generated by Flame (renders from the render node in batch, generated media from the desktop / tools, hard commit layers in the timeline).


Wow Jeff this is a great explanation. Thank you very much for taking the time to explain it so well !

And thanks to the others for their feedback as well:)