Cached Archive

hi folks . working locally on my flame, 3/4 of my material is on the lucid server , the rest is rendered locally on my mac , i have a 1x1 a 4x5 and 9x16 social version of my 60 . when i try to archive, each one claims it requires 98gb of space , despite the fact all 3 are using the same source files . i would expect 98gb for all 3, since the only difference is canvas size ? no timeline batches , no committed layers . what am i doing wrong ?

i used reformat to create the various sizes from an original hd timeline

Instead of using reformat I suggest you drop your HD master on a 9x16 timeline and do your resize there. And when archiving turn off timeline renders.

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The reformat acts effectively as a new render with an automatic commit. Basically the same as resizing from the tools menu on the desktop. That’s why the 3-fold increase.

Like @Sinan said, make a new timeline with the correct dimensions and copy, paste your edit from your 16x9 master over and resize clip by clip there instead. More control and less of a hit storage-wise.

well that would explain it !
thank you

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thank you.