Does anyone remember this conspiracy thing?

I remember read here about that. Some kind of shit added to audio tracks to count online views. Something to phones can hear it and send info “discreetly”. Did I dream it? :crazy_face:

Today we have to deliver some broadcast versions. But before , we have to send them to agency. They are going to “add something” to the audio traks to count views. wtf :no_mouth: :scream:

There was a thread on here but I can’t figure out what it was called. But here is some more info, if anybody is interested.

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OH YES. Last big campaign we had all these random mixes, +5% -10% +3% tone pitch

I had a thread on here somewhere. But it uses phone microphones to tell which version of the spot you’re watching and what network. Basically Neilson but more covert.



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I wonder if this:

“So some special people have marketing analzsis phones, that track everything they are listening to all day.”

… It’s a bit of sarcasm :eyes:

We got some of agency people to admit they had to carry around a 2nd phone that was doing exactly that: listening all day, or at least they’d turn it on when consuming TV or Youtube or Tiktok

A second phone? Hmm, if one doesn’t intentionally opt out of everything in every sort of way on ever yplatform on your phone, google account etc. Then your phone is most definitely listening.

In corporate jobs it’s very common to have two phones. My wife had two iPhones with her for a long time.

Corporate IT departments insist on managing the ‘work phone’ which is still your device you paid for, but they manage all the security settings, monitor it, and reserve the right to wipe it without notice. So if you have to keep your professional contacts safe which you will need after said employers suddenly and without hesitation declare you redundant, it’s a must to own a sacrificial work phone and a personal device which you have full control over. But yes, if you also want to keep the FAANGs out of your hair, a basic flip-phone or other burner phone may be a consideration for a 3rd line.

One of our kids is studying in Hong Kong. He has his ‘mainland’ phone and his ‘Hong Kong’ phone which have different data plans. On the ‘mainland’ phone sites like Google are not accessible. Yet services he needs to get around a much more highly digital integrated society (book, pay and scan everything with your phone) requires him to have a ‘mainland’ phone as well when he’s on the road.

I have some clients who give me email addresses on their corporate domains. But to avoid allowing them to manage my own laptop and desktop, I limit myself to browser based email access and chat. Even though it’s a painful process.

Nothing conspiratorial about that. Just plain reality check.

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We had that too. Want work email on my phone? They had an Outlook kill switch that could wipe my phone if I consented. So I never had work email on my personal phone.

I discovered that my manager, two executives and two help desk people were specifically monitoring my emails and corporate communications without due cause (a help desk guy who was leaving informed me).
I couldn’t understand why because my work communications were usually perfunctory and benign, but to throw some chaff and provide reading material, I subscribed to all internal mail groups and service messaging systems, providing them with an extra 48,000 emails per month to peruse.
This is the same efficient team who had a perforce/atlassian helpdesk system with 15,000 open help tickets…
I also petitioned for a work phone, work computer and only ever used those devices for work, on work networks.
I cannot recall the last time I connected my ‘personal’ device to a work network, but to put that in perspective, I subscribe to AT&T and they just exposed nearly 40 million accounts to the dark web, despite virtue signaling about their security posture.
Not to worry, the AT&T legal department backing this nonsense up are probably the same team that argued that ‘unlimited’ does not really mean ‘unlimited’ in the true sense of the word.
Onwards, to the future…


Love it!! Sometimes you have to work with the system, not against it…

Ha, based on my alerts my email, phone number and a whole lot of information is readily available on the dark web. Which is why I think we need to rethink data breaches:

Yeah my Dad had a work phone and work laptop supplied by the city when he was a Parks Manager for the New York City Parks.
During his time there they had two data breaches, one major. The result which seems to be his identity stolen and someone buying a used car in South Carolina.

FYI the bank was zero help on the obvious Identity Theft and each time there was a court date the bank lawyers would ask for a new date.
This is a common tactic to force a person to give up on their legal challenge/case, since most people have jobs and are not able to continually request days off or take unpaid days off.
Luckily my Dad’s lawyer forced the issue and the judge sided with my Dad after warning the bank lawyers(they never showed up to court).

So I would not ever think the bank will back you in any sort of identity theft.

AT&T are offering Experian cover for anyone that may have been subjected to potential ID theft.

Because Experian and trust usually occur in the same sentence as well…

Too bad some executives didn’t get sentences…

Onwards security conscious friends, as Madonna once sang, “Strike a pose…”

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