I have a 100 clip EXR to export.
My client want each exr shot in a folder with is name.
I exported all the shot, selected one exr clip and use the “new folder with selection” option then I rename it. I had to repeat this process 100 times.
I think I understand: You have several write nodes in Batch and want each Write node to generate a folder that contains each shot and the folder to have the correct name. Am I right?
I worked on 100 different clip, so I have 100 batch
I didn’t use write node, I use render node on all the clip and then export.
After the export I have thousand of file at the same place.
But my client want each exr shot to be deliver in an individual folder.
It’s a long process to create those folder in mac os and I’m looking to improve it.
Is flame able when exporting ( with write node /script / or render ) to generate a folder in the OS level based on the shot name with the exr shot inside and to do it with many shot a the same time ?