Is there a way to add a single row or column to and extended bicubic?
I have a surface with tracked points and now I need to add just one more row at a specific location.
and boy would I LOVE IT if there were. I’d say 90% of the time I need a 3x3 grid, which is impossible. You might be able to subidivide the shit out of the bicubic and then apply a deform mesh, which are more controllable in that regard.
Yeah… Feature Request.
I just need to track one more point. If I subdivide I need to take care of a lot more points than needed.
I guess I can try an axis track and go the iTransform (Nuke term) route.
Thanks again Andy.
What’s a deform mesh?
The deform mesh is kind of like an extended bicubic in that it lets you deform an image (or 3d object) but it’s more like a lens through which you distort the image. It is applied to an image rather than being done to the image itself. Super handy in that it is attached to the image node and can be parented to other things as a result. I’m probably not describing it well…here’s a tutorial I just found on youtube that might help: Autodesk Flame Beginners Tutorial Series - Part 4 (5 of 6) - Deform Mesh in Action - YouTube
Awesome. Thanks!
Only downside to the deform mesh is it has to be 3d, so even if you want to deform a 2d surface, you still have to contend with two points (one in front, one in back) to move a piece of a surface.
I’ve wanted a 2d deform mesh for a while. I’d use it waaaay more than I do now.
Add a division (or several) in your surface , select move uv/vertex tool. Select the row/file/ or group of points and move new division points to place where you want . Selecting again the regular move tool you will be able to apply the distort mesh located as you wish. The drawback is divisons are always equal for width and for height. But we can survive.
Better explained in this video:
Previously to this technique, we had to add a lot of an unnecessary divisions to the surface until get the divisions over the desired area, which was pretty inconvenient (old days ).
Thanks Kily. Will check it out.
The grid warp in Nuke is similar to this request no? And or the desktop warper in flame. If only the desktop warper was upgraded to be in batch…that might be fun don’t you think.
Yeah, in Nuke’s Grid Warp you can add points at specific place in the UV. In the bicubic you can also do this with U and V as separate option for adding a subdivision line. However from what I can gather both the Warper and the Bicubic defaults are far behind from flame other features, especially tracking. Scripting always comes to the rescue when something more advanced is needed.
Something like the Spline Warper is something I have not seen in Flame yet (still going through the tool set). The Pin Tool is something I would definitely miss.
Spline warper is in batch called distort node.
Desktop warper in flame was excellent. Sadly I think it might not work that well these days. I remember it becoming quite unwieldy 7 years ago.
FYI. Spline warp aka distort is an old node. It doesn’t have planar tracking inside it. However, you can copy paste tracking in the curves from gmask tracer or action. That’s pretty useful.
I don’t agree that the spline warper or the deform mech are equal to the control the OP has requested.
Both of the other tool do not allow for finely positioning the pixels. You can warp things near where you want them, but it’s an exercise in frustration to actually place something precisely. Expect twitchy garbage as a result.
Extended bicubics would be vastly improved by allowing to do do an individual subdivision, and this would sharpen one of the greatest tools in the flame toolbox.
Plus One!