I was there when the ones went in at Chimney. Started with an IR inferno and an RE2 Fire both in Onyx1… no idea where they went later days.
Would be great to add ratings these companies ie 4/5 stars, etc
Subjective and probably unhelpful to be public like that. That’s what glassdoor is for
good point, I forgot about glass door, I agree it is subjective but in this day an age would be super helpful and may help keep companies in line. If you have a ever been knocked for 10k or more, you would understand where im coming from.
I would have thought a published lawsuit against said company might be a better option than a rating system.
Not sure how that would work? you dont have to have had a law suite to be a bad company, …
For example I know one of the companies listed, had formed another company under a different name hired a friend of mine (Nuke Artist) and others and never paid him his 20k or paid the others as the they liquidated the company right at the end of their job, and kept expanding their own company posting how nice their new suites looked, they had just updated.
Depends on the laws of the country. You can very much go after directors of companies in Australia, even after the companies have liquidated. Plus the liquidators have to pay staff before any other money. They brought this in in Australia to stop dodgy property developers from building shoddy buildings that fall apart.
In your particular scenario, if there was a parent company then you would definitely be able to go after the parent company.
Probably why we don’t see those type of practices much here in Australia. Not saying some dodgy things don’t happen though.
Does anyone have any experience of whether Spellwork in Berlin uses Flame?
Logik Flame Map ← Made a copy of Renee’s map to add the French/EU studios, and made it editable.
Anyone should be able to edit it if connected to their google account. Feel free to add
I hope no-one minds that I changed ‘England’ to ‘United Kingdom’