I almost never use the Libraries. Not even as a backup. I archive every night which makes me feel like I am protected from massive corruption. It makes no sense to be to have to pull a batch setup out of the library and onto the desktop just so that I can work on it. Save it back to the library and remove it.
As i have talked about before Project Clean ups - #14 by PlaceYourBetts I write EXRs and setups to the server but all of my batch groups live in the Media Panel Desktop.
I keep BFX for simple titles but if they get too big I feel much more comfortable breaking them out in to batch.
My desktop reels contain a main sequence reel of my working masters and the other reels are just a dumping ground for what ever I need to sort through at the time.
That edits folder in the Library is just the offlines and maybe an early stage conform with all of my video layers.
YYMMDD all the way.