Logik Live #114: Richard Betts Returns!

Hello Logik People!

This Sunday, June 11 at 2pm, Richard Betts is back on the virtual stage to show off some cool techniques that I think are worth checking out. He picked a few shots he’s worked on and he’ll be going over some sky replacement techniques, frequency separation workflows, and a few others depending on how the timing of the rest of the show is working out.

Always fun to see other artists show off some cool techniques and this is one of those episodes! On a selfish level I’ve been doing a handful of frequency separation shots this week so I’m itching to see what he has to show.

Hope to see ya there and to see the patrons at the Q&A!

Register for the show with the link below:



cant wait for this! Richard is brilliant and his keying show was one of my favourite Logik lives.


Just finished our runthrough and it’s going to be good. He has some really great shots to show. I was actually the most impressed with his perspective grid trickery! Didn’t mention that in any of the posts but add that to the list of fun for tomorrow :grinning:


Beautyful pixelspred technique is very good, very cool if you provide a batch for practice, I would be grateful :pray:

Sure. Leave it with me


Thanks Richard! That was another great live session. Really want to get to grips with that warp stabilize method, the result speaks for itself. Thanks again.

Finally got time to watch. Great show @PlaceYourBetts . Thank you!
And thank you @Jeff and the Logik live team.

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