Logik Needs You! Yes you!

Hello Logik Lovelies,

If you are interested in helping we’d love to chat with you.

  • AccessVFX liason
  • Anyone interested in writing Matchbox/GLSL shaders/Python
  • Logik Academy - seeking Flame Artists to create high quality, pre-recorded training content
  • Social Media - help to create, manage and grow social channels like LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram
  • Writers - seeking strong personalities to draft white papers and thought-provoking content
  • Logik Live and Logik Podcast guests and presenters! Think you can do it better? You’re probably right!
  • Forum moderator - lurk and help our Forum guests, organize threads


A Little Help Please GIF by RPA_Advertising


Awesome. Would any of these tasks be paid at all? I’m most interested in finding someone, anyone, to code shaders…


For our Python and Matchbox Shader needs, we’re very much interested in trying to source and develop talent to create some sort of platform to do just that…connect y’all Needers with the Havers. In regards to this particular area, I suspect there’s a small demand and an even smaller supply.

Yeah, small and small. I wonder if we need to reach out to coders beyond the Flame realm, who know GLSL well, prob know Nuke, and could learn what they need to in Flame… If it would be worth the while for them.

I will put money towards python and matchbox development. Lets get go!


Same here. Just need to find BRAINS.


Speaking of BRAINS…Did you watch Logik Live on Sunday!!! Holy crap Graziella! You guys gotta watch it and hear about the script she wrote!

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I missed it. Was that the one about conforming?

Will it be available somewhere? It is not on the Youtube channel.


That script sounds amazing. When will it be available in the Logik matchbox collection? :grinning:

Hi! My matchbox script will hopefully be added to the Logik matchbox collection soon! I’ll create a Logik forum post talking all about it this week @fredwarren @glennteel

Also I am highly interested in writing Matchbox/GLSL shaders/Python and could also record training content :slight_smile:


SO AWESOME! Thanks and looking forward to checking it out and your post!

A post was split to a new topic: Intro to Matchbox Shaders

That’s me (thought-provoking). hans at vonsonntag dot com


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I can also partake of this one, I think



I’d be happy to help where it makes sense, though I think I’m still too new to Flame at the moment. Background is more in other apps for now.

I’m originally a software engineer by training with 15 years in that industry before I had to give my brain a change of venue. I’ve done some GLSL coding in Mistika, and some DCTL coding in Resolve.

Also pretty decent at writing and wrangling people. Have small Discord server of NYC based colorists that used to be a IRL group I started pre-pandemic.

Let me know how it all nets out and I’ll chip in.


7 posts were split to a new topic: Mistika impressions

A post was merged into an existing topic: Mistika impressions