I made this transition a few years ago, going from the “0-1” to proper scene reffered linear in a medium sized studio. here are some of my learnings/pointers.
-Its very important to make people understand what scene reffered means as you said, the comparisson with blurs/DoF ETC is very good, I usually also show a picture of someone taking a picture with their phone, the “scene” is completely blown out while the image on the phone screen is nice and tonemapped.
- make sure people grasp the concept that their viewer is a “virtual camera” that films the scene just like you would film something in a real scene, you must expose up/down to see all the detail, noise, hoghlight details etc, because our current monitors are not capable to show of all it at the same time (thats where HDR comes into play
-Make some example light values , like look at this specular highlight that we filmed its at like “48” linear value or whatever so they understand the correlation between real world light intensities and linear values.
We then also deployed OCIO where we can, in our case vray/nuke etc, first using custom tonemapping curves/Luts based on the “alexa 709” process, this is neccessary to have the lighters “see” their light beign tonemapped into their display space,
Why they put everything into 0-1 comes mostly down to them lighting with a normal sRGB view transform that isnt tonemappes
you cant just fix it in comp that easily as rhe light intensities dont have anything to do with real world values, relative to each other… one is like filming in a studio with very controlled lighting and one is outside.
we then later switched to full aces, to be honest it was pretty frightening to commit to a full aces pipe, thankfully netflix “forced” us to do it so its not like anyone had a choice.
its not really the lighters that are having problems with this, they adapted rather quickly, for them its jusr very nice to pump in more light and get more accurate GI bounces etc “for free”.
Biggest issue is Mattepainting, photoshop and lookdev, substance painter doesnt support aces or ocio so you need to like make custom luts …just all in all very annoying.
Photoshop kinda works with a log workflow and custom ICC profiles but you are limited to 16bit because photoshop is stuck in the 1990s… affinity is way more modern.
The whole texture authoring and conversion to aces is making this very much “not fun” for those deartments and I understand their pain, just downloading some srgb textures and slapping them on doesnt really work anymore(I heard thats better with arnold)
- Compositing wasnt very effected by this, some pain points with negative color values on chromascreens but thats easy to handle, we used client luts before anyhow that where mostly based on some kind of lin->log->display transform , mostly alexa based, so for them the whole tonemapping thing wasnt new, for fullCG shows however it was very different (bo more random softclip nodes everywhere… hehe)
It was one of my main projects pushing the colorpipline further and its a topic very close to my heart , let me know if you want some more info