New Fluid Morph/Morph tool in 2025.2....BRAVO DEV TEAM!

@fredwarren @Slabrie & @LouisM … I just used the new Morph tool on a job for the first time and OH SWEET BABY JEEBUSS!!! You and the team really knocked it out of the park on this one. Thank you, and please thank all involved!

I have to say - I’m so thrilled with the quality of the native MLTW and now the ML Morph tool. It’s fantastic to have ML tools that reliably and predictably work. So many ML/AI tools out there, especially for things like roto, fall short of the level of quality that is needed for high end VFX. No criticism…it’s just the nature of the beast/state of the art for AI/ML. Bravo for focusing on tools that work so well!!



I used it also, but I’m not as enthusiastic. I’m a bit busy now, but I could do a throwdown demo later.

Big kudos to @lefebvf @frenetj, @mab, Mathieu Sansregret, and Amir Zafar who worked on this.

Also, make sure to use 2025.2.1. You should get better results with the ML options in Timewarp, Morph, and Inference.


Taylor Swift GIF by The Voice


sounds like a possible logik live sesh in el futuro


I’ve had mixed success with it compared to the Talosh ML tools.


As the results do vary, it can be handy to patch the result from one into the other to fix up bad bits where neither is quite right.

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If you have content that could be shared so we could see the issue that would be awesome. Of course, we would not train our model with your content but re-create asset to handle the content you have seen issues with. As we stated, these ML tools can only get better when trained with the right content.


I have some pretty specific details I can share. I’ll try to throw something together this weekend. It could well be that I’m just not using it right.

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Thanks a lot! Send me a private message with a download link when possible.

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Lemme see if I can recreate it with stock. I’ll let you know! :fire::fire::fire:

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Indeed, the ML tools’ accuracy has increased in 2025.2.1. Make sure you are up to date!


But there is the crux of the issues with AI/ML. The legal implications of us sharing any data with you is problematic. It would involve productions paying lawyers to go through legalese to work out how and how not any footage could be used, accessed, stored, etc; With a strong anti-generative rhetoric most studios are more wary than embracing.

What I would suggest the Autodesk M&E product team do would be to have some kind of accessible document that clearly outlines how footage would be used to train ML, outlaying everything. I would also suggest that you could store LLMs based on what rights each bit of media is given to. Then, could Autodesk potentially have a LLM per studio based on rights and access?

All that sounds pretty complex right? Unfortunately, I think that is going to be a legal reality where Disney, Sony, Warners, Netflix, Amazon Studios, etc; will have their own LLMs that you will be limited on using depending on which studio you are working for. As for footage from/for TVCs, wow, that’s even more complicated.

What are your thoughts on this @Slabrie?

This Release is so exiting, thank you guys for the great work! :fire:


Mathieu has no regrets and Amir is victorious. Thank you guys.


Very well seen @Sinan


Hello Adam!

The content request is not for training our model but to see what we need to create as far as content to handle you use case. We would never request content for training since we are very tight on what is used for training. We do not borrow or license content.
We have pretty tight GDPR rules at Autodesk so you can trust us. But we also understand that it might be impossible to share assets event for analyzing so no worry.

Does that clarify my answer, Adam?


Definitely clarifies it, thanks @Slabrie

Unfortunately I still can’t send any of our recent shots out of the building. If I could, I totally would.

No worry, i got that even before the first message in this thread :wink:

The idea here is to get an idea of the content so we can create something similar.