Updated Fluid Morph for Batch and BFX v2022.1

I have updated the Fluid Morph to be more friendly in a batch composite as well as on the timeline. The setup can be found on the Portal as well as an attachment here. A tutorial can be found here: https://vimeo.com/586422430/4b45d8ec5f . If you can stay awake until the end, there is a bonus track. FludMorph_2022_1.zip (91.6 KB)


fantastic ! exactly what i need to fix some frames today.
thanks Tim.

one quick question…where are these supposed to be saved to? I’ve not brought in outside sourced batchfx before so i’m unsure what i do with them!

Unzip it and load as a batch then drag the nodes into your user bin and give it a name.
When you need it, pull it out of the user bin

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if you are only fixing single frames, you should watch the last part of the tutorial.


oh i already done that!

Its more to remove some horrible fake lightning flashes that have been slapped all over a tvc. I need to remove them as its failing the Epilepsy flash tests.

Poor Mr. Harding. What he must go through every day just to test a commercial.

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he’s not my favourite boffin today!

Thanks for updating this Tim. We’ve used your original one extensively. I haven’t tried the new one, but do you know if it work with Start Frames other than 1 now? We almost always have a SF of 1001 working in the film world.


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Alan, see if the v02 works for you:

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