@fredwarren - Maybe this should be a feature request for the forum:
Please consider providing building block examples that are fully integrated.
i.e. create scripts that have menu integrations and explain what scoping is.
Provide example that do stuff that people want: (maybe create a survey)
- Import files.
- Export files.
- Create PyObjects.
- Create Filesystem objects (dated folders)
- Link Filesystem objects to PyObjects (Folder to folder/reel)
- Create QuickTimes after a file sequence is exported via a write file node.
- Demonstrate how a Flame Shortcut can be triggered.
The list is just a start but I believe it’s important that these examples should come from you (Autodesk).
Many companies do not employ flame artists to fuck around with python, since a flame artist’s contribution to the business model is to exploit the power of flame to turn around jobs quickly, predictably and profitably.
Companies that employ people to develop python based pipeline tools often hire people that have no experience or appreciation of flame, are not production-sympathetic, and often the tools that get written are ill-conceived, poorly built and left to atrophy. (or frequently completely shitty)
I’m hoping that you might consider it a good engineering investment to build flame-centric building blocks that anyone in our community can have a crack at.
We expect that flame artists can grasp data management, connected conform, image processing, pipeline wrangling, color conformity, machine learning, finishing and delivery of final pixels.
Writing a few lines of python, especially with the recent ubiquity of large language models, is easily in the realm of most flame artists.
If a flame artist can write an expression or do a connected conform or figure out color science, then python is not beyond the realm of possibility.
You have an opportunity to provide functional and powerful tools that will enable this community to wrestle back the responsibility of creating flame centric and flame focused pipeline tools that are polished by flame artists and engineers, rather than disinterested transient third parties.
Do it Fred.
I know that you can.
I once asked you in a beta preview to make a script that made motion vectors of all the layers in a batch, and I think you delivered that in about two hours.
It blew my mind.
I think it’s still in the examples directory.