Sapphire ultra zap alternative

Hi everyone,
I need to create an effect like energy passing on from one person to another. Basically the evil person is sucking the energy of the good person.
I was thinking of using sapphire ultra zap or the other sapphire lightning effects.

However my company can’t buy sapphire as there is no budget.

Is there any way i can create these lightning bolts through any shaders etc?

Something that does not need purchase of any plugins?

companies don’t have budget for anything these days, flame is supposed to create magic from scratch!!

Any help please guys and girls, i don’t want this to go to nuke or something else
i am trying to avoid the what can flame do refrain that’s heard a lot these days in vfx facilities.

There’s a Logik matchbox called crok_lighting that might work.

Ah yes @bryanb I forgot about that one.
I think there were some presets in flame as well. Action setups.

It’s $62 a month. I mean I hear you on no budget jobs, but the time lost using a different solution will be way more costly than that.

I don’t use Sapphire for a ton of things these days, but that lightning plugin is so good.

All that being said, we’ve all worked at companies where any purchase no matter how small is just the biggest most cumbersome deal ever, and if that’s the situation you are in I empathize. I’ve made plenty of “this will save hours every week,” arguments and lost many of them.


Hi @andy_dill i understand what you’re saying.
However top management doesn’t want to spend as flame doesn’t generate much income. They don’t really care about saving time.
It’s just the sad situation of our industry at least out here. Jobs come in with no budgets. It’s like doing things practically for free.

I just need to plod on till something better comes along or change track to a different career as post production and studios are slowly dying out here, especially flame.


Honestly just paint the lightning deal it out and add a glow I have done that a few times instead of doing that plugin and works faster than dealing with all the settings.