So you think AI isn't going to take your job?

Speaking of which, when did the boards get the little “summarize with AI” button. Does it cost @randy 5 bucks every time we press it?

It’s probably a “free” add on that is nigh-impossible to shut off, just like the ones Google and Microsoft are shoehorning into everything.

The earth still pays as gallons of water are irradiated to summarize my thoughts on Elden Ring to disinterested parties. :tada:


Its so diabolical they are now stealing from themselves , oh the irony of how this is working out


I’m just glad that as long as Gmail is going to try to force its way into my compositions, its little pop-up option now says “Help me write,” as opposed to it saying “Polish” before.

I legit couldn’t understand why it wanted me to write in the Polish language.

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