I have TimeWarpML issue where as its not working.
its installed on Flame2021_2_1, centos 7.6. Unpacked to /opt/Autodesk/shared/python
The flame app see the plugin when when trying to use it no errors come up, it just closes.
see shell output
Oct 21 16:58:24 : [flameTimewarpML] Executing command: konsole -e /bin/bash -c 'eval “$(/opt/Autodesk/flame_2021.2.1/flameTimewarpML/miniconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)”; conda activate; cd /opt/AutoML/bundle; echo “Received 1 clip to process, press Ctrl+C to cancel”; trap exit SIGINT SIGTERM; python3 /opt/Autodesk/flame_2021.2.1/flameTimewarpML/bundle/command_wrapper.py /opt/Autodesk/flame_2021.2BADE349C1C896E1BCD0C2058FA736D778B3A5DC.lock; ’
Any help will be greatly appreciated
thanks .