What are y'all using for post-Flame versioning?

I’m pretty sure it disables (hides) the top track for superless

Ha! Yes, I mean ‘slate’

I’ll check with my guy and confirm

To all the ones using ffmpeg: did you manage to get (more or less) colour accurate mp4s?
If yes would you mind sharing your settings?

In our tests media encoder was closest to the original image, but ffmpeg was off. Since it’s such a mighty tool, I suppose, we just did it wrong. :slight_smile:

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@tombox were you ever part of the mr crispy ffmpeg projects back in the day?

Hi @claussteinmassl . Here’s one we use. The ffmpeg settings are on line 146:

post_and_encode.py (6.7 KB)

Confirmed. We only name a track and disable it for superless masters


Thanks man.

Hey @john-geehreng! Thanks a lot, that works great! :slight_smile:

I just went through the manual to see what your command is doing. The only thing I do not really get is this setting:

-x264opts ref=4:qpmin=4

I see a veeeeery subtle difference (only in certain situations) when using it, but I wonder: what’s the purpose / your reason for setting this?

Thanks again!

Hey @claussteinmassl . We built this preset a while ago, so I can’t recall why we used that setting. But I just checked our latest scripts and we’re not using anymore. Glad you found the rest helpful!

@john-geehreng ok, no problem. Thanks again for sharing! :slight_smile:

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We just have the script rename the file out of flame from .mov to .mp4 for our wips. Maybe that’s a cheat but I figured now that Flame has the ‘Color Sync Compatible’ on export, we can make the file format without needing to leave Flame - it’s only a container after all correct?

Well, this could be interesting news…

(Telestream acquired Content Agent)

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I just use a web service to do all the deliverables for me and auto deliver them, i dont do a whole lot of those as I usually deliver shots to a DI house.

but when I do I use ffmpeg and /or shutter encoder (the best gui ffmpeg encoder out there imho)

peach, adstream, adtoox etc

I still end up with and easy 200 + masterfiles from flame on some projects…

Andy, back in my Artjail days we used Telestream Episode which worked great. But as I think was mentioned, it’s no longer available.
Looks like Telestream Vantage may be the real deal, with the full schabang.

“To Tracey’s point: A lot of this needs to be checked by a human being”
Hmm, just saying(sort of, lol), but I would caution all to think this is the way things will be for more than just a couple of years at the most. Looks like there are already some Machine Learning like features in Vantage.

Hi, I just exported a h264 from flame and changed the extension to mp4. Is this safe to send out to PC’s. I can also confirm that the new colour sync flag worked as well.

I’ve never once had an MP4 rejected and we’ve been using it for well over a year now.


Used to do this almost every project, for years! Being the only mac user in a company of pc users, it was the easiest way to get them seeing the videos. Haven’t needed to do it for quite a while as i think the pc’s can handle h264 ok nowadays.

oooh is it possible to upload this python script to the logik portal?

Yes, but we want to clean it up first. Been adding in some more such as the option for color sync. A couple of errors to sort out first before releasing it