Accurate XML repos from Premiere into Flame, Fixed by Python

Is there a workaround? I tried to clean all mentions of other than timeline resolutions from a XML and it behaved exactly the same, isnt it on every job the the camera sources or grading output or whatever has a different resolution to the timeline? I mean thats like the one things thats literally always the case.

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More food for thought…

In premiere both methods “set to frame size” and “scale to frame size” are giving me the same issues with tlactions going crazy, I did not need to fix any of them however with the script they all came in just fine. (fine meaning that the tlaction has the correct values, they still bug around)

Only way i was able to get it over without issues is if the premiere sequence has the same resolution as the rushes, which is not a real world thing. ever. But yes so apparently tlfx actions are breaking if the camera OCN resolution does not match the source resolution.

Update to that : it seems to be the source aspect ratio that breaks it rather than source resolution.

I made a halfres timeline with halfres proxies that have the same aspect ratio as the source and scaled them and flame correctly applies the tlfx actions and all is well.

So basically this issue appears when material aspect ratio does not match timeline aspect ratio.

Which again… i dont know my last job where anyone shot anything in 16:9 for a 16:9 delivery…

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I feel your pain!

Your investigation point to the same conclusions as another discussion on the Area some weeks ago (Re: Premiere XML to Conform in Flame - Scaling Settings - Autodesk Community)

The use of proxy or full resolution media in a sequence of a different resolution AND the various scaling option in Premiere give the opportunity for hand made tweaks at conform stage.

Resolve imports all those XMLs completely fine, no issues scales are all comming in fine no matter what option/combination of resolution and letterboxed proxies e.t.c I pick I just have to match the incomming scale setting in resolve to whatever was used in premiere and its all relative from there.

The axis node in action also carries the correct values, I can not get it to not use the right values at all, so it understands it.

As I see it This is a bug with action freaking out when source aspect ratio doesnt match the sources aspect ratio and is not related to the different scaling settings and wheter the proxies where letterboxed or whatever in premiere.

Ill check out that thread also.

All common things I figured out searching for a reason had been the Actions all getting setup with a wrong output resolution, using the Source one and not the Timeline, even if that should not be possible.

yea scrubbing the timeline the timeline resolution keeps switching to source resolution all the time if you park the timebar it snaps back to reality.

It’s not just visual while scrubbing:

Here are the action setup settings for one of a corrupt action XML I had:

This is the exact same action after the “duplicate and delete to fix” move:

So it is def. some technical bug @Slabrie as the Action normaly should not be allowed to be different in the resolution than the timeline and Flame should realize that somehow I guess.

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I can demonstrate the same thing Bernd is saying. I’ll try to round that up today.


I guess that the Z position of the camera directly relates to that action resolution setting.
Good catch.

One possible “workaround” if we are talking graded shots from resolve/baselight would be to letterbox the grading renders to timeline aspect ratio :rofl: /s

We all agree this isnot the expected result. Please make sure to open Support tickets and provide test files so we can have a look.

Cold you also look at the XML and find something like this:

<parameter authoringApp="PremierePro">

If you change the 40 (or the value you have in your files) for100 you should get what you are looking for. Please give it a try and report back.

Did I say open Support tickets for the issue? :wink:

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cold you explain what this value does/sets?

I am going to mess with this tonight does that fix the broken tlfx actions or is that just a scale factor yo get the values to line up with however it was scaled in premiere?

This is the value set by Premiere for the scaling of the content in a sequence of different resolution than media. You will have to do some R+D on this one to see if it fixes your issue. Might not but at least this could be an option.

yea thats what i though, Ive done a detailed writedown here to explain how and why premiere gives us the values they give us.

its kinda like a resize-journey :smiley:

we sent out a support request as well on the action-bug-issue lets see :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!

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hey @KuleshovEffect, thank you for the script!!

We have a lot of rushs that don’t match our timeline resolution so there are a lot of bug with the Action TL FX, when we use the script (same as you and @finnjaeger i think).

Since it works fine for fixing the duration (timewarps issue), I wonder if it’s possible to only have a script that fix the duration ?

Thank you,

You’re welcome!

Just so I’m clear, what bug are you seeing with Action?

If the Action isn’t working, you can just delete it.

The “Scale Multiplier” should change the scales in the XML so they work for your higher-resolution footage. If you’re seeing odd things in Action, you could leave that at 1.00 and do the scaling yourself.


I have shots in both 1.5 resolution and 1.778 resolution, while my timelines are in 1.778 resolution. If I leave the pop-up script settings unchanged and only enable ‘Fix Duration,’ when I re-import the fixed XML, actions in shots that don’t match the timeline’s resolution appear to be buggy. They appear somewhat anamorphic visually (scale Y value dont match scale X value)

I tried this

it kind of works but it looks like i lost the informations of position and scale from the original XML. And so, same thing if i deleted the action.

that’s why i wanted to know if it’s possible to only have the fix duration script

it’s a bit hard to explain haha, sorry for the unclear explanations :frowning_face:

So, the anamorphic problem goes away if you delete the Action?

Do you see the same bug if you import the XML without using the script?

If you leave the Scale Multiplier set at 1.00, then the script doesn’t do anything to the scale, and what you’re seeing is a Flame bug.

You can also try what I do at the end of this video:
Enter the Action, leave the Action, trash the Action, and then an Action appears and it suddenly starts working.


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I have a fairly (for us) complicated :30 XML that is crashing the python script before it can write out a revised file with this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/Autodesk/shared/python/premiere_xml_mediahub/”, line 202, in ok_button
File “/opt/Autodesk/shared/python/premiere_xml_mediahub/”, line 262, in fix_xml
seq_name = xml_name.text
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘text’

I’m just gonna power through fixing it by hand, but figured I’d post here to see if @KuleshovEffect was interested in me sending along the XML?

Hey @hBomb42
Does it work if you turn off the “Clean Names” option?