A bit of a Flame color management puzzle.
Getting the impression that a lot of the transforms are a bit lazily tagged. It’s not always clear when you’re coming to/from ACES what primaries and what gamma they mean. It just says ‘to ACES’ but isn’t clear on the specifics. You can read the breakout panel, but even that is iffy.
ACES is pretty specific.
You have to color spaces - AP0 and AP1
You can three gamma curves - linear (CG), cc and cct
Soapbox aside…
Here’s the actual issue. A lot of colorists work in ACES pipelines (e.g. Resolve, Baselight). These pipelines are actually log based pipelines (cct most frequently), but some tools linearize the image temporarily for ease of working with it (e.g. the Basegrade operator) so that exposure changes happen in stops and pivots can be seen.
A lot of us use the Flame ACES preset when we setup the project and then use Image in TL-FX and then a viewing transform either in a gap or during export.
It’s important to note, and wasn’t totally clear to me until this experiment, that this is not the same as what most of us do in Resolve. In this setup with the default ACEScg working space, Flame actually remains in scene linear. Now that is ok, since in the Master Grade you can change which mode you want your controls in, and defaulting them to scene-linear when working in ACES takes care of that.
This brings all the benefits of scene linear work, when you need to use blend modes as we have seen in a recent post.
But in my case I actually do want to operate the timeline in ACES cct (log) gamma. And the reason is that I have a nice set of LUTs I want to apply, and they’re all designed to work in ACES cct, not ACES cg. And LUTs have to be applied in the color space they were designed for, or results may be unexpected.
So after realizing that the TL-FX setup and rules default to ACES cg I was on a quest to to add a ColorMgmt effect in front of Image, and then a gap effect in the track above if needed, to allow TL-FX to operate transparently in ACES cct.
But that appears way harder than it should seem. There are no existing color management transforms I’ve seen that would accomplish this. You more or less have to string it together in a custom configuration, and even then it doesn’t work.
Quite possible that I’m still missing an elephant in the middle of the room, or just am not decoding these lazy descriptors correctly.
So if anyone has operated the TL-FX pipeline in ACES cct, that would be super helpful to know.
Here’s where I left off after quite a bit of experimenting:
custom transform in front of Image. All clips have been tagged as Rec709, which they are. But could also be camera log footage.
Changing primaries from sRGB to CIE intermediary, and then to ACES (hopefully AP-1). Also removing the 2.4 gamma curve, and then applying the new ACES cct gamma curve.
Then the reverse in the gap effect above…
Going from ACES cct to AP1 (confusing if that affects both primares and gamma?)
And then from AP1/linear to HD-video (presumably with tone mapping?)
I guess the other option would be create new custom transforms that acutally do what we need here.