An actual deliverable spec . .

This is an actual “spec” for a real platform. Any one want to hazard a guess as to what it means??? Has cut and paste taken over?


less ‘cut and paste’
more ‘breed and employ’
kinda like special counsel

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But that should be easy to accomodate as I don’t think anything is ever above 48KHz. So while dumb, no harm?

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“Video Sound Rate” . . . . What the fuck does that even mean? Not exactly a proper tech term. I think we might surmise they mean Audio Sample rate, although I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything sampled at anything but 48 and 96 (except for 44.1) and Media Encoder doesn’t even have a 64 kHz sample rate. Perhaps they mean the ACC audio bitrate (there is a 64 kbps) but that’s pretty low and not measured in Hertz. So who knows.

Maybe they want to avoid sine waves that make dogs howl.

I am more worried about the minimum filesize beign 75KB

The only valid delivery specs at all is “anything that ffmpeg supports”

everything else is just unecessarry

I only pay attention to Maximums.

30minutes at 200MB? sure :smile:

30 Minutes? Not even in my wheelhouse. A far as I’m concerned, anything longer than 60 seconds is Long Form


splat rugrats GIF

I smell AI more than copy/paste.

Only if AI = another idiot