Hello friends. I’m on an animating text adventure. I want to animate character by character a line of text. I found a preset that comes very close but I can’t work out how to tweak it to the reference supplied to me from client.
Here’s the ref
So in simple terms I want each letter to zoom and fade in on its’ spot character by character. I can do the blur and reveal with y_lensblur and masking
The closest presets I found to modify were the “behind camera 3d” and “fade in”
With the “3d behind camera” preset I managed to get this far but cannot work out how to put the centre point on each character.
Thanks for the offer. I’ve got it where it needs to be for now. It’s a shame that you can’t blur 3d text in action. I’m using y_lenseblur post animation to do that and it’s working well.