Beautiful message from Ivar's family

Hello Logik Friends. This morning, I received the most beautiful message from Ivar’s brother, Sven:

Dear Andy,

Some time has passed since our last contact and we want to get in touch with you to announce some news. We are sending you some photos attached to show you what your generous donation, in memory of Ivar, at his grave. My parents spent a lot of time and energy on this and we think it turned out very nice. Of course, we all still suffer greatly from the loss of Ivar! It is still not understandable!

But we also want to look positively into the future and so we intend on Ivar’s birthday on October 29th, 2021 to organize a commemoration for all his friends here in Friedrichshagen and so hopefully also in Ivar’s sense to celebrate his birthday. We have already rented a location on the Spree for this and are sure that many of his friends and acquaintances will appear on this date.

Now that the tombstone has also been erected and the grave site is finished, we want to meet his friends before the commemoration and meet friends in the cemetery.

We would like the bond with Ivar to be expressed in an emotional setting for the subsequent commemoration. We cordially invite you, of course, but we also know that it is certainly difficult to implement due to the distance. Alternatively, there is certainly the possibility of a video live connection!

Now I have one more point on my own account. Ansgar and I still have many things in our possession that Ivar left behind. I would like to send you a list in the next few days in which I have tried to list most of the computers, consoles and musical instruments. Maybe there are people interested in these pieces in the community. We would be delighted if a large part of this collection would end up in good hands.

We wish you and your family all the best for the future. Stay healthy and we would be happy if we keep in touch.

Greetings also on behalf of my parents,




wow. Beautiful testament to an amazing guy. Thanks for sharing @andymilkis . FLAME ON IVAR!!!


Such a great message from his parents. I hope to visit his grave in person one day and pay my respects. He was such an amazing person and loved our community. @andymilkis do you know where it is? My wife is from Berlin so I go there a lot but I’m fairly certain his family isn’t from there. I think he lived there or Munich but I’m not certain

It’s crazy…he was basically our matchbox guy and since his passing that aspect/focus has understandably fallen silent. Granted I’m not sure what else we could ask for at this point since he and others have done everything under the sun but still…I think we all miss the weekend updates.

It speaks volumes that his mother reached out like this though, she clearly understands how much he was loved and what he offered a community…albeit Flame, amiga or techno.