Caching query🤔

Hi All :wave: Quick question, if your managed folder is on the same drive as the supplied clip, what’s the arguments for and against caching? Cheers!:sunglasses:

I use to copy footage from external drives to internal raid. Same raid where managed folder is. And I notice always better perfomance with cached material. Maybe not for light footage ( prores 422 HD or so) , definetly better for heavy files (prores 444 , 3k/4k). I work always with uncompress cache profile (dpx/exr).

Why? I don’t know. Maybe the important aspect be flatted uncompressed files (dpx/exr) vs data compress-files (some QT, mxf)

I’m used to caching, sometimes feels smoother & is easier to keep track of. But it can bump up small files sizes. I have a large job coming, long shots but just HD. It’s all on a fast SSD. I thought it might be worth working straight from the disk and not caching.

If using compressed EXRs with CM on input, it may be better to cache instead of having to process on input? I’ve found Debug mode helpful to review various workflows. The Secret Life of an Autodesk Systems Engineer: Using Creative Finishing Applications in Playback Debug Mode

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Hi Grant,

If your clip is on the same drive as your managed media folder, the consideration for caching is down to the performance and format.

If your performance is fine with the original media then there is no need to do any caching.

However, if the original media is a file using debayering or transcoding on the fly, you might see a drop in performance. In this case you might want to cache the file into the managed media folder as it will be converted into you intermediate format (set in the project creation) and that should perform a lot better the the original media file. Eg: playing ARRIRAW vs playing transcoded OpenEXRs.

The only downsides is the time taken to do the caching and the disk space requirements.

Hope this helps


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Thanks Peter & Grant

This makes good sense. On this job, I will be better off not caching.

Many thanks!:partying_face: