Hey everyone going to dive into doing some car retouch next month, and I was wondering what kinds of tools and techniques are must-haves when doing this kind of stuff.
You know the classics like fixing panel gaps and removing camera reflections that sort of thing.
Mocha and warping techniques are obvious, but maybe someone has amazing tricks up their sleve? Its not going to be CG where I feel more at home but ive done my share of beauty and other cleanup work of course
A non traditional way Ive used a ton over the years is to treat the car as a static object with a moving camera in PFTrack, and use the built in Image Modeling to make my own custom sausage geo for whatever part I was using, then use Flame IBLs or simple Reflection Maps to build patches.
Im going to be doing a quick show and tell about a version of this technique this Sunday Sunday Sunday.
ah cool interesting I wasnt expecting much 3D tracking but it makes sense. Keen tools of course, maybe if I even buy a model of the same car I can use that as tracking geometry. I also have 3DEqualizer
I use this a lot for cleanups as well that might work well for removing camera reflections as well in certain situations.
perfect timing! I managed to avoid doing car shows even though I am in germany and there are lots of car jobs mainly due to never beign at a company with tisax certification.