Any reason I can’t see the 4K Single-Link option with a Decklink Mini monitor 4K in a Z840?
I’m about to give the 12G Extreme a try, but sure would be nice if the Mini monitor worked.
Mini monitor 4K is 6G but i dont really know if those buttons do anything useful, pretty sure ive used UHD @ 30fps on flame with my mini before but it might have been via HDMI.
Yeah I’m just looking to do 3840x2160 at 23.976 at 10-bit. It works with Resolve without issue, but in Flame I get no output if I got higher than 2048x1080
oh thats very odd then Is this mac or linux?
Linux. CentOS 7.6 Z840
Desktop Video 12.2.2
I’ve seen this before. New install? For some reason every now and then my init.cfg is missing resolutions above 2048 ish. It’s an easy fix, just go to opt/Autodesk//cfg/linux-x86_64/sample/init_default.cfg and grab the resolutions you are missing and chuck those into the init.cfg at opt/Autodesk//cfg/init.cfg.
Or, here are all of them. Copy pasta what you need into your init.cfg.
#VideoPreviewDevice ntsc, aja, 1, 720, 486, 30, 601sync
#VideoPreviewDevice pal, aja, 1, 720, 576, 25, 601sync
#VideoPreviewDevice ntsc-readback, readback, 1, 720, 486, 30, 601sync
#VideoPreviewDevice pal-readback, readback, 1, 720, 576, 25, 601sync
#VideoPreviewDevice ntsc-readback_free, readback, 1, 720, 486, 30, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice pal-readback_free, readback, 1, 720, 576, 25, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1280x720@5000p, aja, 1, 1280, 720, 5000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1280x720@5994p, aja, 1, 1280, 720, 5994p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1280x720@6000p, aja, 1, 1280, 720, 6000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@23976psf, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 23976psf, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@24000psf, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 24000psf, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@23976p, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 23976p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@24000p, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 24000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@25000p, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 25000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@25000psf, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 25000psf, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@2997p, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 2997p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@3000p, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 3000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@50i, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 50i, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@5994i, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 5994i, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@6000i, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 6000i, DTVsync
High frame rate.
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@5000p, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 5000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@5994p, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 5994p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@6000p, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 6000p, DTVsync
2k DTVsync.
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@50i, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 50i, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@5994i, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 5994i, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@6000i, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 6000i, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@23976p, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 23976p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@23976psf, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 23976psf, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@24000p, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 24000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@24000psf, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 24000psf, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@25000p, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 25000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@25000psf, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 25000psf, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@2997p, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 2997p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@3000p, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 3000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@5000p, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 5000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@5994p, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 5994p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@6000p, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 6000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@23976p, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 23976p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@24000p, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 24000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@25000p, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 25000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@2997p, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 2997p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@3000p, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 3000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@5000p, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 5000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@5994p, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 5994p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@6000p, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 6000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@23976p, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 23976p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@24000p, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 24000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@25000p, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 25000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@2997p, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 2997p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@3000p, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 3000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@5000p, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 5000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@5994p, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 5994p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@6000p, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 6000p, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice ntsc_free, aja, 1, 720, 486, 30, freesync, 0, 1
#VideoPreviewDevice pal_free, aja, 1, 720, 576, 25, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@50i_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 50i, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@5994i_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 5994i, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@6000i_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 6000i, DTVsync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1280x720@5994p_free, aja, 1, 1280, 720, 5994p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1280x720@6000p_free, aja, 1, 1280, 720, 6000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@23976psf_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 23976psf, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@24000psf_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 24000psf, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@25000psf_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 25000psf, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@23976p_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 23976p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@24000p_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 24000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@25000p_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 25000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@2997p_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 2997p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@3000p_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 3000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@50i_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 50i, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@5994i_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 5994i, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@6000i_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 6000i, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@5000p_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 5000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@5994p_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 5994p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 1920x1080@6000p_free, aja, 1, 1920, 1080, 6000p, freesync
2k freesync.
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@23976p_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 23976p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@23976psf_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 23976psf, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@24000p_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 24000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@24000psf_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 24000psf, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@25000p_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 25000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@25000psf_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 25000psf, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@2997p_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 2997p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@3000p_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 3000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@5000p_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 5000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@5994p_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 5994p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 2048x1080@6000p_free, aja, 1, 2048, 1080, 6000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@23976p_free, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 23976p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@24000p_free, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 24000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@25000p_free, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 25000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@2997p_free, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 2997p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@3000p_free, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 3000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@5000p_free, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 5000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@5994p_free, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 5994p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 3840x2160@6000p_free, aja, 1, 3840, 2160, 6000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@23976p_free, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 23976p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@24000p_free, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 24000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@25000p_free, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 25000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@2997p_free, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 2997p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@3000p_free, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 3000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@5000p_free, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 5000p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@5994p_free, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 5994p, freesync
#VideoPreviewDevice 4096x2160@6000p_free, aja, 1, 4096, 2160, 6000p, freesync
I might be reading your problem wrong.
All good Randy. My issue is I have UHD uncommented in init.cfg. The broadcast timing even changes in the app, but nothing outputs.
My theory is that my issue is I can’t set in the app “4K Single-Link” the option just isn’t there when my Decklink monitor card is installed.
But maybe it something different.
As Finn said, that is a 6G device, it is inherently Single link if trying to do UHD. You will also not be able to do 10bit, as single link UHD 6G would be 8bit YUV anyway.