Any initial thoughts on why Flame Setup on Centos 7.6 only offers approximately 2k or smaller in the Preview options?
I did install 7.6 and DKU 16.1 whilst connected to a 1920x1200 monitor, and now have a 4K monitor. Is there somewhere hard coded that I need to update?
Are you talking about the VideoPreview token / AJA output, or the resolution of the graphics monitor?
If you are talking about VideoPreview/AJA, what type of AJA card do you have? If it’s a Kona 3G, it has to have the right firmware to support UHD output.
If it’s the graphics monitor, in theory the X server should detect the monitor resolution and adjust to it, as long as you have the right type of connection. In particular, if the monitor is connected via a DVI extender, that interface can only support 2560x1600 maximum, you will need a HDMI / DisplayPort extender to support 3840x2160.
In theory you should be able to do UHD on that card, although I haven’t tried it myself / not sure if Flame supports it. Could could try re-running the FlameSetup GUI app and selecting the UHD timings, or adding manually to your init.cfg:
Thanks. I’ll try to manually add. This card does 4K on the Mac side. Musta borked something on the install, as they are not in the Flame Setup app as choices.