Do you watch what you work on?

I’m just curious if people seek out and watch what they work on? I have to say, personally, I do not. I work mostly on episodic tv and some films, but… I find I don’t watch most of it. It’s not that I don’t take pride in my work (I very much do and throw myself at it 100%), I just have some type of mental block that just wants to move on to the next project (the project I’m already working on most likely) and not dwell on whatever emotional rollercoaster I was so happy to get off of :crazy_face:

no - i work on tvc’s for kids toys, and that would entail watching hours of kids tv to see them. Kids tv nowadays is bloody awful so i dont want to sit through that. I did see one of them recently whilst walking the dog - passing a house with a massive tv… i felt a brief pang of smugness thinking it didn’t look bad on such a big tv!

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I work mainly on TVCs so I wouldn’t say that I watch them but I do occasionally catch them when I find myself watching domestic TV. They occasionally pop whilst I am watching youTube but when offered I will skip. I mean, I have usually seen it too many times already.

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I’m 100% commercials and I always thought there should be some kinda magical metadata included with every commercial file delivery and a corresponding magical network device, kinda like a Raspberry Pie Hole, that can filter out any of ‘my ads’ being displayed in my home. I spent the last few weeks working on a reasonably sized product launch only to find out I had received approvals (or was good enough!) because my kids were watching it on YouTube nonstop and humming that catchy tune.


I work mostly commercials, however, that’s irrelevant: I haven’t watched television in years.

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I work in both TVC and film/episodic - The film/TV stuff is generally ruined for me by working on it. And most episodic TV is ruined for me to a certain extent because I now see all the mistakes and crap production they do to make their schedules. There was one project from a series I was already a fan of where I was the lead on a shot that took 2 months straight to do and when I finally saw it in an episode months later, I could actually enjoy watching it without seeing it as a VFX shot, which was nice.
I don’t watch a lot of TV with commercials but it’s cool to sometimes see some projects in unexpected places. I once finished a Nike spot that was also intended for giant sport stadium screens. I had to figure out how to meet the weird specs of a giant screen from a Flame export. Less than a week later, I saw the spot playing on the giant screen outside of Madison Square Garden as I drove past in a cab.

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I’ve seen stuff I’ve worked on in Times Square as I walked through without any advance knowledge.

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I saw a slate, using a template I’d designed back in like 2006, on a Times Square screen not too long ago. That was jarring on a couple of levels.


HAHA I forget what I work on most of the time and then when it comes on I am like “why is that so familiar??” - and depends on the show - its not that I watch my work but if I like the show I watch if I don’t then nope

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Basically never. I did some work for an indie film a few years back but haven’t taken the time to see the film, and it looks good.

I don’t watch any cable or regular TV so it’s rare that I see an ad of mine. Every now and again one will pop up before a YouTube video, but I don’t seem to be the target market for the stuff I work on. Haha.

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I work on commercials, docs and the odd film. I tend not to watch the channels my stuff appears on. I did see a film for the first time the other night though that I’d worked on 3 years ago!

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I am genuinely excited to see my stuff, likely because they are short and I mostly end up stumbling on them as preroll ads. I’ll hear my ad play on one of my kids devices from across the room and mention something to, ya know, up my street cred with my discerning pre teens. The results are mixed but regardless I get a kick out of seeing then respond to an ad that I made from just a few feet away.


just remembered one of the weirdest jobs i ever did, and i specifically looked it up to watch.
I was approached by an animator i had worked with for years, but hadnt seen for ages. He was working on a new cg animation kids series, and needed some motion ref stuff - specifically a movie director making a show with flying goods trains!

I’m not an actor, never have been, never will be, but he felt i would be suitable so i said yes.
I spent a day marching, pronouncing and gesticulating around his spare room whilst being filmed. Then outside to the park for some exaggerated walk cycles.

A very odd experience, but good fun…and i even got paid.

Several months later i decided to see if i could find the show - very surreal seeing a cg character walking around with my moves, and even my clothes (and silly hat i was wearing), whilst speaking with someone elses voice.

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Hardly ever. I tend to fast-forward through commercials. I’ve worked on trailers for movies and I sometimes watch the movie but usually regret doing so. Especially if it’s a certain director whose movies I now loathe. Not because the work I had to do was bad but that the movies I find are unwatchable.

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Not really. I work on adverts. So it’s time to put the kettle on when they come on. My daughter loves seeing them and has the keenest eye.

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