Dynamic lens toys for flame 2025.2

I’ve been embracing the idea of film-making as game.

Created some “toys” to try out.
Lots of tricksy stuff under the hood, but kept it hidden in groups out of sight.
All the CG goes in the CameraPREP action and all lens control is within a Tracer node called Lens_CTL.

Even tho fun to use, these lens models are physically accurate
and helpful for playing around with moGFX or CG in flame.

The same data can be used for CG renders w depth,
Will show that w a future demo.

There are 22 camera bodies to choose from and distortion and vignette are cropped to sensor correctly and adjust dynamically to focus distance.

CG is imported as mm. 1000 action units per meter.
When replacing w your own CG this is important to check.
DoF and distance needs these to be accurate.

The setup is done at sensor size,
Set proxies to be quarter res for interactivity.
Seems to work really well even on Intel Mac Pro.
Interested to know if the setup opens on new Macs and Linux flames.

I’ll do a more formal demo but here is a quick click-around:

and here is a 2025.2 archive to play with.
UPDATED: Try link again.
Fixed archive issue and also setups-only zips to download.
Many thx to @philm for the help troubleshooting the archives.

Let me know if it works on yer end.

If there is interest in more of these,
I’ll see if I can find more to put under the xmas tree.


Andy D. (Westside)


@imag4media - I’m getting a restore error on the archives when restoring in the latest version of software.

@imag4media - despite being soft BFX (I’m assuming) it looks like there are clips that are 300,000 frames long?

drat. ok. thx Phil
lemme see if I can figure out what up

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the bfx are tiny but that is correct 300k frames
it’s how I get the interactive distance UI

@imag4media - roger that - sorry I can’t get further - I don’t have a mac to test on.
I would love to see your work.

UPDATE: Currently troubleshooting the archive. Will update the link soon

You’re welcome.

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@imag4media - good news:

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