Flame 2024 is here! ❤️

Ha! This happens like clockwork every year.

  1. Bobby D posts the new Flame version.
  2. Within hours someone complains.
  3. Fred talks people off ledges and asked for specifics.
  4. Everybody says something different.
  5. I get on my soapbox and remind everyone to join the beta.

You need to be more like Alan. Own that complaint like a boss!


Metal is definitely only for MacOS but Vulkan is not that different. I can’t comment on what Autodesk or the Dev team have planned for Flame but Vulkan has actually been developed by the same people who created OpenGL so it is the next evolution of API. You could probably assume that Flame moving to Vulkan will be the case at some stage. Vulkan definitely works on both AMD & NVIDIA GPUs as well as Intel (not that you’d go there for flame).

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Let’s not

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Does 2024 play nicely with earlier versions?
I’d like to keep a version purely for sparks support, particularly Furnace.

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Since there no longer seems to be support for CentOs 7, I would think not as you will need to upgrade to Rocky Linux 8 to install 2024.

oh… I would love to work with EXRs in the same way Nuke work with them. The amount of links to comp a basic CGI is just insane. And of course, a better way to visualize and select Cryptomattes.


It seems to be the year of iterative fixes. The new version of Mocha also is just a quality of life improvement. Good ones for sure, but no “new features” either.

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Is anyone experiencing issues running Flame 2024 on Mac Studio M1 Ultra chips?

I Installed the 2024 update on multiple machines a few weeks ago and all of them (all Mac Studio M1 Ultras running 12.6.5) have been having issues shutting down or even going to sleep. They hang up and require a “shame shutdown” by holding the power button for a few seconds in order to reboot.

This problem cropped up about a week after getting 2024 onto the machines and has been relentless. Problems shutting down every single time now. 2024 is running smooth when Flame is up and running, just noticing this shut-down issue right now.

We have our IT guy on the case, but thought I’d ping the group. I think we may need to un-install 2024 and see if the problem persists, but haven’t had time to test yet. Maybe next week.

Hey Nick,

What OS are you running?

This may not be related but about a month ago I had the same issue on my Mac Studio Ultra. Didn’t matter what I tried, it wouldn’t shut down. I was running 2023.3 on Monterey. Finally did a clean install up to Ventura and the problem went away. I have also removed and external drive from the machine which I thought might have been part of the problem.

Have you done anything different since installing 2024?

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I would upgrade to the latest MacOS. 12 seems a little old for the ultra.


Sorry I missed the OS version number! I would definitely upgrade.

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Thanks for the suggestion! I will upgrade next week and see if that helps.

Mac Studio is supported on Monterey which is only one version behind Ventura. I’ve been running Monterey fine with Flame 2023 (haven’t upgraded to 2024 on this system yet, just the Linux box).

Venture has been out for a while, but there is always a lag with various other tools you may be using on your Mac. So double check everything you’re using. At this point things should have caught up.

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Yea, I remembered that our shared storage network is not fully functional with Ventura yet, so we cannot upgrade the OS at this time.

This flame I’m working on today currently has 2022.3 and 2024 versions installed (but only using 2024).
4 other flames also have both versions but running on Monterey.
Upgraded mine yesterday to Ventura per this thred but still getting issues.

Not only does the computer never shutdown when selected, but flame and also the computer need to be rebooted multiple times every day for flame to even work. And when you launch the app, it takes about 10min to start, if we are lucky.

SPECS:vMac Studio, M1 Ultra, 64GB, purchased end of 2022

I noticed that my flame has many different folders for Managed Media.

@nick_devivo had mentioned that when he was on the phone with AD a while ago, Beau said to have two different folders for each version, so that’s why we have:
(A) Managed_Folder_2022-3 and
(C) Managed_Folder_2024

But I’m also seeing (D) which looks correct as well.

So does flame only see “ManagedFolder#” from the root level of a drive? Like (D)?
OR does it see (A) and (C) just fine when using flame?

Trying to figure out which is correct to set up the Manged Folders and if this could be the issue why flame takes forever to start.

Also, I created a new project in 2024 (Ventura) today as a test. (H)
Not sure why it made stonefs2?

I set location to (D) ManagedFolder1 , and when I launched the project nothing would wire and I got a Wiretap error, and then it created (G).

When I went back to make another project maybe to set to another location I noticed that selecting VOLUME only shows these 3 locations (I)

The engineer here is setting up a time to chat with AD, but wanted to post in the meantime in case maybe anyone else has run into this issue!

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Open a support case, we can address the specifics and help get the system working correctly w/ Flame.

Yup already have one in so hopefully we hear back soon! :pray:

This type of issue is better deal with a support ticket. There is so much things that can happen on a system that it is quite difficult to pin point in an infinite message exchange. As a rule of thumb, if Flame and its services have the permission to read content it will work, being local, shared storage or remote. macOS has many security settings that needs to be loo at to ensure our products can read and write to disk so you want to make sure to visit Security & Privacy options.

@nick_devivo ^^^^
We have a ticket, just not in my name as I’m the freelancer

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