Flame 2025, ADSK Identity Manager and HPAnyware

Same here on 2025.2.

Flame support had me open a different case with the Autodesk InL team (installation and licensing) and says the issue is in their world. Feel free to reference that Case ID: 23157159 in addition to the other cases mentioned in this thread. The case status is currently “Open - Waiting for Internal Action.”

I’ll never understand why people run old software…



@cnoellert - and I’ll never understand why old people run software…


Here’s something that occurred to me today after updating my Mac OS from 15 to 15.1 Sequoia with Flame 2025.2

Flame 2025.2 was already installed and after I updated the OS from 15 to 15.1 I started seeing the issue where whenever Flame is launched, the web browser loads first wanting you to log into your ADSK account even if you have been logged in.

I uninstalled/reinstalled Flame 2025.2 then I went into Privacy settings / Full disk, and toggled every Flame-related item.

This fixed it for me. Not sure if the uninstall/reinstall was necessary so if it’s happening for you, try toggling the items first.