Flame 2025, ADSK Identity Manager and HPAnyware

We just installed 2025 on a machine to start kicking the wheels and update our hooks and noticed something very annoying with the new licensing method (adskidentitymanager). When you use HPAnyware it logs you in automatically which seems to not allow the licensing manager to set the credentials in your keyring meaning you have to login every single time you start Flame (at least that’s why it would seem like is happening).

You crash, login. You exit and restart login. Over and over again.

Has anyone else noticed this or figured out a workaround?

Hey Kyle. Not sure if this will help you, but our workaround has been to launch Chrome or whatever the default browser is before launching Flame.

I’ll give that a try, thanks.

We’re also running into this issue since installing Flame 2025 on Rocky Linux.

We’re able to work around it by doing the browser dance, but we have to repeat those steps every time we launch Flame. It also affects previous versions of Flame, too.

The Autodesk troubleshooting page says to disable Auto-Login, but we have it enabled for HP Anyware/Teradici. I disabled it temporarily, logged out/in, and it appeared to solve the issue, but the problem returned when I turned auto-login back on.

I created a support ticket but the first response wasn’t terribly helpful:

Any solution or a better workaround is appreciated. :+1:

Seems you went to the generic ADSK support which is offshore and has no understanding of what Flame is. ONLY submit tickets to the Flame support team with ADSK.

Thanks @ALan

I open plenty of Flame support tickets every week and thought I was familiar enough with the process, but aparently not. :joy: I just opened another ticket that should go to the Flame team this time.

I hope this is helpful in your efforts. I have been investigating this issue and after some troubleshooting, I have not had to log in again since making the below changes. The functionality appears to persist after reboots and logouts. I am able to launch and license Flame without the keyring message after performing these steps:

  • Remove files in ~/.local/share/keyrings/
    • I would recommend to move the files rather than rm
  • Disable the following settings under Firefox:
    • Block dangerous and deceptive content.
    • Query OCSP responder servers to confirm the current validity of certificates.
  • Choose Custom protections under Firefox settings instead of strict or standard and untick the boxes under this item.

When prompted to create a new Keyring, leave the values blank and continue.

Note The above steps may not all be necessary, but this was my troubleshooting process.

This allows me to keep AutoLogin enabled, use a remote solution, and avoid encountering the keyring message mentioned above. This is not an official solution and has only been tested on 1 instance of the issue, so remember to backup files and proceed with caution if using this process. Have a great weekend.


Amazing, thank you. Looking forward to giving it a go.

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To be transparent, while this workaround was effective for my system, I have been informed by another member of the Flame community that this solution is not working for their system. I will spend some time looking over the issue again after a system rebuild.

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