Gmask tracer in a 3d environment

When using a gmask with a 3d camera and say the camera moves 360 degrees or something wacky, now my gmask points x is now z, y is now x etc this can be for any aggressive camera move, just curious if anyone has found a workaround in adjusting points when this happens? FYI I already submitted a flame request to keep points relative to camera lens so that this doesn’t happen but just curious what people do to make this less annoying?

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I mostly use a custom camera view or gmask context view (F8) with a dual window setup and manipulate points from one my viewer which has gmask context or a custom camera view and see the result from the other result window. it is even helpful when you do a perfective track and loose control of some of those crazy points which go insanely far away in the z-axis.

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